My Quilting

Pics and info about my quilting experiences.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

The picture on the top is the backing on my great grandmothers crazy quilt. The second picture is another part of it a little closer up.
I thought I would record what I remember of my great grandmother Mary, which isn't much.
I do remember going to her house as a small girl. She had huge sugar cookies.
Also she had a little basket that she kept scrap paper for us kids to draw on.
The other thing I remember is that she and my mother would go into the garden if it was spring or summer. Her rhubarb was the biggest I had ever seen (before or since). Often she would give my mother various vegetables.
My great-aunt Grace lived in part of the house. Her apartment was more modern. It was almost like it was in color and the rest of the house was in black and white. She had panelling and carpet. Aunt Grace had lived just across the road in a brand new house. My mother was the first houseguest. However, that night the house was struck by lightning and burned down. My mother was always afraid of houses burning down after that. Oh, when they tried to call the fire department, someone else was on the line (they had party lines back then) and wouldn't get off the phone so they could call.
I remember when I was older, my extended family went camping on the land across from great grandmas. Much later, I came to be friends with one of the people who ended up buying that land.

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Wednesday, September 26, 2007

This is a pic of a crazy quilt that my great grandmother, Mary Flint Childs made. My mother thought that it was made around 1891. Mary was 6 at that time. Her mother Angeline helped her.

At sometime, Mary gave the quilt to my mother.

After my mother died, I got a quilt or two of hers, and put them away. Recently (as you can see on my blog) I've gotten bitten by the quilting bug and have started a crazy quilt. One day, I thought.... I had a crazy quilt from one of my ancestors. Then I thought, no that was the one that my brother received. That one was made by my great-grandfather (paternal).

Anyhow, I decided to go look and found this quilt.

The materials are rather plain as crazy quilts go. However, I just love it. I love to look at the different kind of stitches, and other things that are emboidered on it.

I particularly like this one that is of a tree. I am re-reading the Lord of the Ring series. I started that after we recently watched the series again. It is the first pic. I really have to figure out how to arrange pics on a blog entry the way I want them.

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Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Well, I haven't committed to do the boot swap yet, but I did get a start on my boot, if I do. I figure this is the easy part anyhow. It's the embellishing that I find tedious.

This is a pic of the first crazy quilt block I've finished. The only one so far. It's a 6" block, and this was done before I found out that you can use all types of fabrics. It only has cotton.

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Monday, September 03, 2007

Well, I'm finally doing it.

I am making log cabin and crazy quilt blocks.

I just dove in and am definitely hooked. Funny that a crocheter should get hooked on quilting...

Anyhow, here's a pic of a log cabin quilt block that I've finished.
I am using up fabric from sample books, so it will be the 'scrappy' look.

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